Digital Variflo+ High current Pump controller V16
The V16 HC (High Current) is suitable for controlling larger pumps.
Protects your pump
Use less water
Improve battery life
Work longer
Increase efficiency
A more powerful and flexible controller:
Ideally suited to Softwashing and Softwashing Rinse Down
Suitable for pumps from 10-35A
Suitable for voltages from 11-15V
New unique trademarked technology includes:
The advanced pump drive system runs the pump much more smoothly and quietly, and extends its life. With the V16, pumps can be driven slower, faster and harder than ever before.
Thanks to the new pump control technology, the pump is monitored with far greater precision, saving water and energy, and offering faster and more accurate dead end protection.
Incorporating features such as dead end detection, pressure switch shutdown, over current detection and short circuit detection, the V16 protects the whole system and helps save power and water.
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